Microsoft One-Note totally rocks for Project Life!! You can create notebooks - so I made a "Project Life" notebook. Then you can create tabs-you can see in the top left I have a "January" tab and a "February" tab. Then under each tab you can create "pages" - so on the right side you'll see a "page" for each day. On each page you'll see I journaled on top and then added the picture for the day! So now, even though I haven't had a chance to print up all my pictures and get them in my album, I have everything ready to go! AND...I can organize my pictures and write my journaling on my lunch hour at work ...sweet!!
I am SOLD on One-Note - I plan to start "notebooks" for each of my kids and start keeping my journaling about their lives on there. Than, when I am ready to scrapbook their stories - they'll be in their "notebooks" and ready to scrap!
Soooo cool Melanie. Thanks for sharing!